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Definition of the vector boson scattering signal for the
phenomenological studies and data analyses within the first two
years of the action
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Calculation of the Standard Model VBS process with NLO precision in
QCD and EWK calculations.
The full calculation has been performed for two exemplary cases,
making the tools for the calculation available to the scientific
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 261801
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Development of effective field theory parameterisations with NLO
precision in QCD and EWK calculations.
Several groups provide the possibility to include EFT in VBS
processes supplemented by NLO QCD corrections. The inclusion of EW
corrections in the EFT framework is at sight, but it involves
significant challenges to be tackled. A timeline of one or few years
seems realistic. A
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Determination of a standard reference for effective field theory
parameterisation, to be used in all VBS studies and analyses within
the first two years of the Action.
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Definition of the most significant observables at hadron colliders,
to isolate with maximal significance the VBS topology, and to
maximise sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model.
ATLAS and CMS collaborations have published recently results for
which they used significant observables, and more publications with
the full Run2 dataset are expected by next year, with more
discriminative variables used. The Action will summarise these
results in a single collection of relevant variables, comparing
their effect in phenomenological studies and in the data analysis of
the two experimental Collaborations. Sets of variables to maximise
sensitivity to VBS topology were found (though analyses apply also
ML techniques that do not rely on a single observable). We analysed
EFT operators in terms of experimental sensitivity to the
cross-section modifications. In general modifications of
cross-section induced by these EFT operators were found to be small,
thus progress was made in selecting the most promising ones rather
than kinematic variations of the processes they affect.
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Definition of reference guidelines for the coherent combination of
analysis results in different VBS studies (different experiments,
different final states) within the first two years of the Action
After a topical workshop held on March 5,6 2019 (link), the first guidelines have been agreed among interested parties
and documented in a twiki page (restricted to the VBSCan community:
link), a working group defined through a mailing list
(vbscan-combination@cern.ch), Git repositories for the combination
activities have been setup (restricted to the VBSCan community:
d6fit). The
access to the resources is granted upon request to all interested
players, and will be made public after results publication.
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Definition of guidelines, from phenomenological studies, to be used
as reference in the development of data analysis procedures
Recent published VBS analyses(
follow guidelines, in the results presentation, developed with the
Action, which have become a standard in the VBS results
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Study of particle reconstruction and identification algorithms
dedicated to the VBS final state objects and topology.
Several solutions for the current LHC and HL-LHC upgrades of ATLAS
and CMS have been proposed and implemented.
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Implementation of the data analysis with the datasets collected by
experiments at hadron colliders.
VBS was experimentally confirmed in all major final states by the
experimental collaborations in most of the cases with the full
luminosity collected by the LHC Run 2. The first study of the
polarised VBS in the same-sign WW final state has been published and
a first strong evidence on the standard-model component in the
semi-leptonic final state has been made recently public.
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Statistical combination of the results obtained by the data analyses
and their interpretation in the frame of models of new physics.
The first combination of VBS results has been published as
arXiv:2101.03180. The
activity is continuing, also involving the experimental
Collaborations. The active participation in the LHC EFT WG, and CMS
EFT Forum foundations of the VBSCan participants, as well as in the
experimental studies, sets solid foundations for the work that will
be developed in the months after the end of the Action.
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Design and deployment of the Action Website, including the databases
for the outreach material and the internal documentation
VBSCan website
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Organisation of the scientific kick-off event of the Action, the
yearly workshops, the Mid-Term Scientific Meeting and the Final
All planned meeting of the Action took place as planned, despite the
Covid emergency.
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Preparation, organisation and advertising of the training schools
foreseen by the Action.
The training plan of the Action follows the evolution of the works,
starting from an introductory training, and evolving with more
advanced subjects. The first school targeted a wide audience and
successfully trained both Action members and not, with a large
fraction of female young scientists and an outstanding panel of
trainers. The website of the school, containing all the training
material, can be found at this link. The school took place in
Maratea, Italy. The following training event addressed specifically
VBSCan members, with training on the knowledge and tools developed
and used within the action. The website of the event, containing all
the training material, can be found at this link. The training event
took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The next training event has been
an advanced school, organised in collaboration with the ParticleFace
COST Action, on subjects related to effective field theory
foundations and fits, data simulation and reconstruction, precision
theory calculations and to machine learning. that enabled VBSCan
participants to improve knowledge and tools for physics processes
theory calculation and analysis performances. The last training
event was dedicated to cutting-edge topics connected to the future
of VBS: its polarised component, non-linear EFT and anomaly
detection with machine learning tools, together with seminars of
technological interest (quantum computing, artificial intelligence
in pdf fits and the Julia programming language) and application for
competitive funding openings.
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Design, development, deployment and maintenance of the careers
platform, to promote Early Stage Researchers careers.
Job offers in the academic sector, pertaining to the matters of
VBSCan, are regularly announced in the general VBSCan mailing list.
Given the quick evolution of the job market, this resulted to be the
most effective way to share the information with the Action
participants. Useful tools for job finding have been posted to the
Action web page and general job databases for HEP researchers have
been linked. The creation of a static database of job offers turned
out to be not functional (this is the reason why we indicate 80%
instead of 100% as level of achievement), since it would simply
reproduce existing resources, which have anyhow been linked to the
VBSCan web page. Relevant job openings have been systematically
forwarded to the general VBSCan mailing list. A career survey has
been conducted instead, aiming for younger researchers to get
insight into how jobs and careers develop over the course of a
researcher’s life.
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Outreach activities promotion: preparation and collection of
reference outreach material, organisation of outreach events, and
consequent actions to ensure regular time frequency. A yearly review
of the management committee will follow the accomplishment of the
Outside of the pandemics outreach events have been systematically
organised during Action gatherings, to allow for the local
population and students to interact with the Action participants
and, in the case of the Ljubljana meeting, with local success
enterprises. The reports from the outreach events are published in
our webpage.
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Action Handbook: collection of the publications and materials
produced by the working groups into a single coherent report
For the most relevant workshops, VBSCan collected the status of the
activities in a report submitted and published on open journals. The
final collection of all the Action papers is reported in the VBSCan
web page in a form of a summary Wiki page.
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Inclusiveness monitor: setting inclusiveness targets and constant
verification of their achievement, deploying measures to ensure
their success. A yearly review of the management committee will
follow the accomplishment of the deliverable.
The progress of the inclusiveness measures are regularly monitored
during the Action meetings.
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Review of the status of the art in theory, experiments and
statistics pertaining the VBS analysis, or of interest for future