About us
The VBSCan community says: Yes, we can - finally study this very interesting physics process.
Through the help of the EU COST action it connects all main players studying Vector Boson Scattering at hadron colliders, and builds the solid and multidisciplinary community needed for this challenge.
Grant Information (Management comittee and Participants)
Contact us
To contact the VBSCan please write an email to:
- Action chair: Dr Pietro GOVONI
- Action vice-chair: Dr Marco ZARO
- Workgroup 1, Convenors: Mathieu Pellen and Ilaria Brivio
- Workgroup 2, Convenors: Magdalena Slawinska and Roberto Covarelli
- Workgroup 3, Convenors: Giacomo Ortona and Philip Sommer
- Workgroup 4, Convenors: Kristin Lohwasser and Ivica Puljak
- Workgroup 5, Convenors: Chara Petridou and Kadri Ozdemir